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Quinn Feerick-Hillenbrand

Hagrids Motorbike Magical Adventure

Updated: Aug 4, 2022

Newest Universal Innovation in theming coaster technology(for 2019)

As you are welcomed to Hogsmeade in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, you will encounter this thrilling journey that will take you through the forbidden forest as you pass by 3 headed dogs, pixies, and even centaurs. Your greatest fears come to life as this thrilling coaster mixes thrill and horror with a fun and exhilarating coaster experience.

"An adventure that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish". -Universal Guest

Hagrids Magical Creature Motorbike adventure opened in June of 2019 to 12 hour wait times for fans eager to get one of the first rides on the new coaster.

Impressive Seamless Hybrid Coaster

Unlike many roller coasters whose layouts are made up of a full circuit (where the coaster goes forward, completes the track layout, and then returns to the starting area), Hagrids Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure is not a complete circuit but rather has quite the complex layout. This unique layout features seven linear synchronous motor powered launches (LSM) , a vertical spike, backwards sections with switch tracks, and even drop tracks. This well themed coaster will launch you 65 feet in the air at more than a 70 degree angle and have you reach a top speed of 52 mph all in the longest coaster track in Florida at almost a mile in length. On top of an impressive ride layout, the ride also features a series of animatronics including a 10 feet tall Hagrid replica, a 3 Headed dog known as fluffy, and even devils snare snake-like animatronics.

Ride layout

As you launch to 50 mph from the loading station, the motorcycle and sidecar trains pass through a series of twists and turns before slowing down near a large hut where you encounter Hagrid attempting to tame his Blast-Ended Skrewt. From there the train goes into its second launch pushing riders over a large vertical hill and drop through a cave which follows a series of curves before leveling off as you ride pass Fluffy the 3 headed dog! The Train then takes a sharp left turn into a large drop that sends riders up a vertical spike as the train stops and starts going backwards. Riders are confused as they wind backwards through a helix. The train slows down as we enter a building with nigh-time scenery of the forbidden forest as we ride past centuars and eventually get stuck in devils snare. Hagrid frees us as the entire track drops 17 feet and is sent into the last launch along with multiple banked turns and returns to the loading station.

Problems and Closing Thoughts

Although this new ride created by Intimin Coasters has skyrocketed guest attendance in Universals Islands of Adventure, the coaster has run into a series of issues and mishaps in the opening 6 months that has left many guests unhappy. Because the ride has many complicated features like 7 LSM launches, switch tracks, drop sections, powered wheel control, and backwards facing sections of track, it causes the ride to have constant down-time to fix technical errors. Most of the time the issue with the ride is a trigger of one of the millions of sensors present all along the trains and track. This issue causes maintenance operators to stop the ride temporarily to check on the rides computer system to fix any issues before opening again. This constant down-time for the ride caused opening wait times to be anywhere from 4- 13 hours! Often times guests would come to Universal Studios eager to ride this attraction but would be disappointed as it would frequently close early in the day due to technical mishaps.

Beyond all these technical issues with the ride opening and complex system the attraction provides, I still believe this attraction is worth waiting to ride as it is a thrilling and exciting adventure for all ages to enjoy and will impress you every time you ride it.

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